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Daily Poem #2: Outside the Garage Door

Outside the garage door there is a sound
An obscure type of music
The whine of a hound

Outside the garage door there is a smell
The aroma of barbecue
Brisket, I can tell

Outside the garage door there is a taste
The flavor of good times
I run to, make haste

Inside the garage door there is a voice
I know I can follow if
If that be my choice

The whine of the hound
The smell of sweet brisket
The flavor of good times
Draw me away from that voice

But inside the garage door I sense sorrow
An uncomfortable burden
The woes of tomorrow

Outside the garage door, I now return
To the hound, and the friends
They are hard to discern

They have changed ever so slightly

Outside the garage door there is a sound
The hound running by
Catching a bone in one bound

Outside the garage door there is a smell
A bland aroma
Chicken, I can tell

Outside the garage door there is a taste
The flavor of sour company
But I don't make haste

But inside of the garage door now something has changed
The sorrow has turned to a warm delight
This time I enter the house without looking behind me

Even if I again hear

The whine of a hound once more.

-Trevor Olson :)

Okay, so if you're a bit confused, the moral of this confusing poem is to not spend too much time worrying about what others think of you. These unsure "friends" in your life may change over time, but upon closer look, those who care about you will never desert you, even if it seems more fun to get 'in' with the 'cool' crowd. It's not.


  1. Wow, this is really good. I love the story it tells and all of the senses that you use in your description. Well done!!

  2. Thanks! This was a tough one. The weird thing about me is that I won't even brainstorm between a couple of prompt ideas, I take the first one that comes to mind, and I don't look back (which sounds strangely heroic ha, but it kind of stops the flow of any more ideas. *Shrug* I'm glad I just figured out that the NaPoWriMo site has a daily prompt, so that will be helpful for tomorrow. I thought senses were a great way to act on my odd idea. Thanks for the feedback. I am excited to see what you write tomorrow!


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