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Daily Poem #5: The States at War

Hi all! I recently have become ADDICTED to the Hamilton Broadway Soundtrack! I decided, for a history project, to right a couple of songs Hamilton-style. While Hamilton is about the Revolutionary War, however, my album will be about the Civil War. I decided that my daily poem would be an excerpt from the first song in my new album. Talk about off-prompt :)

It's eighteen-sixty-one
And the states are at war
Fathers, come and take your son
Helping Lincoln even the score

Happy Independence Day!
Lincoln's calling for troops
Join a militia and stay
For 3 years as danger swoops

All able-bodied men
Come and join the fray
Ignorance may be a sin
Toughen up, son, you sun ray

Hey man, is volunteering not your type?
Congress passed a draft law, even if you're not ripe

Come and join the Union now
We'll send Johnston screaming like a sow

-Trevor :)
(Part of the Revolution and the Union)


  1. This is so cool, Trevor! I like what you have going, and it definitely is reminiscent of Hamilton. (From the songs I've heard, that is.)


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