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Showing posts from April, 2020

Last Day of Poetry Month!!! The Poetic Candle

The scent of the wind The touch of the air Can only be described by a poet The taste of a word The sight of the unknown Can only be exposed by his writing How up is down And left is right Is a mystery to all but him When chaos is calm And everything in between Can not be explained to anybody else In the darkness He sees color and light In the cold of the winter He feels summer's warm breeze A dimmed light A candle of warmth All he has to offer others But in his head 'Tis a torching blaze -Trevor :) I had a lot of fun this month. I only had time (and memory :D) to do half of the prompted poems this month, but I saved my favorite idea for last! Thanks!

Poetry Month Day #29: The Zoom Where It Happens

A tinkling sound You enter the meeting Your blurry video stutters You smile at your friends anyway Make sure you mute yourself Before grumbling about you boss Jenson disconnects once every five minutes (He lives in the country) Coulson forgot to block his video (He had to pick his nose) Chelsea's mic is picking up every strange sound (She's eating noisily) Flawed Lagging Forty minutes or pay up (Hold in your dry cough when you are unmuted) Button up a shirt and you'll be fine (Pajama pants are okay) -Trevor :)

Poetry Month Day #27: Quarantine Birthday

I'm sorry for the delay in writing. Enjoy! When tomorrow comes I expect dread I will have the 'glums' I won't leave my bed It will rain It will pour I'll be stuck in vain Furthermore I doubt I'll have fun I just can't imagine Doing anything fun My birthday, but I stay IN No party! No friends! No Thomas or Marty Or Von Auren twins The cake will be sour The limes will be sweet I will spend hours Blanketed on the couch seat What's that you said Mother? Can it be true? We'll all be together So it WON'T be blue! -Trevor :) I am actually looking forward to my birthday, mind you ;)

Poetry #16: The ABC's of Poetry

Sorry, I haven't exactly been keeping up daily, but I'm still enjoying this. Pen hits paper with a splatter of ink Mind resorting to casual life, extravagant dreams Hours of throwing caution to the wind Thoughtfully chewing a snack as you browse prompting sites Anger, tears, frustration Crumpled paper hits the floor Unboxing a new pen, ink-splattering and all And starting once more -Trevor :)

Poetry Month #11: The Arboretum

Tall trees, rooted in dignity Long branches, thriving through the wind breeze Tiny twigs, shining in the moonlight Breath-taking leaves, blown away with a gust Soaking soil, damp with the dew of a new morning's chill Humming insects, squirming in peace The Arboretum Rooted, Thriving, Shining Blown Away, Damp, Squirming Tall, Long, Tiny Breath-taking, Soaking, Humming The Arboretum -Trevor :)

Daily Poem #8: Music

It surrounds us It wraps tightly around us It sends warmth It sends calm It sends alarm It sends peace It alerts us It soothes us It makes us want to dance It makes us want to nap It is the sound of the garbage truck at 3 am It is the sound of beating drums It frightens us It covers us in sweet songs It is loud It is quiet It is deep It is high It is fast It is slow Yet, it is one word. -Trevor :)

Daily Poetry #7: The Leader

A strong man of courage Putting others before himself A hill full of anguish A mountainside of sorrow Bravery drawn Hands pointed to heaven Leading the charge for freedom Destroying the lurking grief A leader The Leader -Trevor :)

Daily Poetry #6: The Garden Grill

I couldn't publish this last night (oops), but here it is! Scent Seared meat Crisped black crust The char outside the tenderness Smoking marinade essence of chicken Sweet chili powder seasoning topping steak Flavorful juices inside tangy barbecue Heavenly dry rub taste The smoky taste Outside, the House

Daily Poem #5: The States at War

Hi all! I recently have become ADDICTED to the Hamilton Broadway Soundtrack! I decided, for a history project, to right a couple of songs Hamilton-style. While Hamilton is about the Revolutionary War, however, my album will be about the Civil War. I decided that my daily poem would be an excerpt from the first song in my new album. Talk about off-prompt :) It's eighteen-sixty-one And the states are at war Fathers, come and take your son Helping Lincoln even the score Happy Independence Day! Lincoln's calling for troops Join a militia and stay For 3 years as danger swoops All able-bodied men Come and join the fray Ignorance may be a sin Toughen up, son, you sun ray Hey man, is volunteering not your type? Congress passed a draft law, even if you're not ripe Come and join the Union now We'll send Johnston screaming like a sow -Trevor :) (Part of the Revolution and the Union)

Daily Poem #4: The Lakeside Cafe

Walking through a busy mall Unrecognizable forms of Deja Vu Technology People Leaving the obnoxious crowd Stumbling down a long dock Reaching the lakeside cafe A blue floral design Colors; a blur Shapes; a blur Staggering somewhere between light and dark Returning to reality -Trevor:) I used the prompt for today, about a dream. This was a hard one, since most of my dreams are crazy random and wouldn't fit in any form of poetry (ha!). If this one seems strange and mysterious to you, don't worry, I don't understand it either. However your brain perceives it is probably pretty accurate.

Daily Poem #3: The Dice

Dice rolling on a hardwood table Scribble your scores if you are able A burst of heat; competitive fire All in good taste, but a spark from a wire Shake the dice and let's begin A tad bit of energy is not a sin Laughter, tears, in between When the scores of the underdog are seen -Trevor:) Well. That was short. I thought only the simplicity of two stanzas could capture the fiery competition my siblings and I felt playing Yahtzee! tonight

Daily Poem #2: Outside the Garage Door

Outside the garage door there is a sound An obscure type of music The whine of a hound Outside the garage door there is a smell The aroma of barbecue Brisket, I can tell Outside the garage door there is a taste The flavor of good times I run to, make haste Inside the garage door there is a voice I know I can follow if If that be my choice The whine of the hound The smell of sweet brisket The flavor of good times Draw me away from that voice But inside the garage door I sense sorrow An uncomfortable burden The woes of tomorrow Outside the garage door, I now return To the hound, and the friends They are hard to discern They have changed ever so slightly Outside the garage door there is a sound The hound running by Catching a bone in one bound Outside the garage door there is a smell A bland aroma Chicken, I can tell Outside the garage door there is a taste The flavor of sour company But I don't make haste But...

Daily Poem #1: Pathogen

A pandemic; passed from one to another A calamity A mishap A fluke But nevertheless, a catastrophic blow to all the ends of the Earth Spreads almost liquid-like with power of poison Uprooting routine Tearing families apart But bringing them together all the while Unison; the warmth of family It takes a viral terror to bring families together. While left is right And right seems wrong A lack of throng A warm hand, holding everything together A cool breath of reassurance Divinity is everywhere, yet it is most apparent during confusion and strife Courage from above Living in fear abolishes peace Smear the paint of calm swiftly Ring the bell Fly a flag of reconciliation -Trevor :)


Hello Everyone! My name is Trevor John Olson and I created this website for the NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) challenge, in which I will be writing a poem daily. Make sure to comment if you have any prompts for my writing! Enjoy!